Legal Help From Our Child Support Office In Greensboro NC

parent and child holding hands

Trying to understanding child support here in NC can be frustrating. We’re here to help. At Morgenstern Law, PLLC, we specialize in family law and have over 40 years of combined experience helping parents through the child support process. If you’re looking for a child support office in Greensboro NC, our team can help you get the best possible outcome.

What is Child Support and Do You Qualify?

Child support is a payment one parent makes to another during a separation or divorce. When you go through a separation or divorce, one of the biggest and most important decisions you’ll have to make with your former partner is who will have primary physical custody of any children. However, regardless of where your children live, both parents are financially responsible.

Typically, the parent who does not have custody pays child support to the parent who does. However, if parents share custody, one parent may still pay child support to the other. It depends on both parents’ incomes, as well as the child’s expenses. While North Carolina does provide guidelines for calculating child support requirements, these numbers will vary based on a variety of factors, such as daycare expenses, health insurance, and educational-related costs.

Keep in mind that child support can change at any time, even after a divorce finalization, if one party believes that the current agreement is unfair or not in the best interest of the child. Child support lasts until a child is at least 18 years old, but may last longer in certain special circumstances, such as the child still being in high school.

Dealing with the Child Support Office in Greensboro NC – Common Problems

We usually talk about child support and child custody in relationship to a separation and divorce. However, it is not only divorced couples who need to figure out child support. You could be entitled to receive support or be required to pay support even if you and your former partner were never married.

If you are entitled to receive child support, you may run into some problems when dealing with your former partner. We commonly see the following situations:

  • Non-payment of child support
  • The alleged father denying that they are the biological father
  • Not being able to locate the other person
  • Either parent under-reporting income

Not paying child support is a serious crime that has several penalties such as wage garnishment, property seizure, tax refund interception, fines, and even jail time. Going through this process by yourself can be confusing. Both Barbara R. Morgenstern and Ashley D. Bennington of Morgenstern Law, PLLC are board-certified family law specialists. We have helped parents throughout the Triad.

Frequently Asked Questions About Child Support in North Carolina

We can answer all your questions about divorce, child custody, and child support. Every case is different, so we can’t give you advice online. That said, here are a few general questions we are commonly asked, along with some resources to help you get started.

Where is my local child support office in Greensboro?

There is a child support enforcement office located on Market Street in Greensboro. This child support office in Greensboro NC doesn’t always make the process easy to understand. Our team at Morgenstern Law, PLLC can help you go through the legal process of obtaining a court order for child support or changing current child support requirements. We can also help you with enforcement of an order, should you need it.

What is the minimum amount of child support you’ll have to pay in North Carolina?

North Carolina’s guidelines set the minimum as $50 per month for child support. If you currently pay more than $50 per month but you lose your job, you can file a motion to modify. A judge will then consider your loss of income when calculating your new child support payment requirement based on North Carolina guidelines and any special circumstances.

How long does it take to receive child support?

Typically, support will start quickly. In most cases, the first child support payment is due on the first day of the first month after a judge signs a child support order. Every case is different. One of our experienced family law attorneys can talk to you about when you should expect child support payments or when your first payment will be due.

When can I file for child support?

If you are caring for a child, you can file for child support. You don’t have to wait until you and your former spouse are divorced. Support can start during the separation period. Remember, you can also receive child support if you and the child’s other parent were never married. If you aren’t sure what to expect, contact our team. We have experience with a wide variety of child support and custody cases, and US News & World Report ranks us as a Tier 1 family law firm in a metropolitan area.

Do I have to take my ex to court to get child support?

If you and your ex have an amicable separation, you can work together to decide the appropriate amount of child support that one parent will pay to the other. This is called a Voluntary Support Agreement (VSA). A judge still has to agree that this agreement is in the best interest of the child.

Even with a VSA, it is best to have legal representation to ensure the agreement is fair. Contact us today to learn more about working with our team of child support attorneys.

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