4 Tips From Custody Lawyers Greensboro NC Parents Can Trust

parent and child hands

If you’re searching for custody lawyers Greensboro NC, our law firm Morgenstern Law, PLLC can help. We specialize in family law and our attorneys have over four decades of combined experience dealing with both complex and simple child custody cases. When children are involved in a separation or divorce, emotions can run high. Here are four tips to ensure your case has the best resolution possible.

Always Have Your Own Attorney

Even if your divorce is amicable, it is important to have your own legal team. It’s also critical to do an online search for a family lawyer near me so that you can meet in person when needed. You also need an attorney who can explain your rights, file paperwork, and answer your questions. Remember, hiring family law lawyers doesn’t mean that you are trying to hurt your ex. You can maintain a great relationship, even if you both have your own legal representation.

Keep in mind that a lawyer won’t work for both parties during a divorce. They either work for you or they work for your spouse. Even if you come to an agreement about child custody, child support, property division, alimony, and other aspects of the divorce without attorneys, you’ll likely want a lawyer to file the paperwork. If your spouse hires this lawyer, they work for your spouse. This could lead to an unfair deal for you. Our team here at Morgenstern Law, PLLC won’t let that happen. We work for you to ensure that any agreement with your ex-partner is fair.

Avoid Talking Poorly About Your Ex

If your divorce is less than amicable, it’s probably extremely tempting to tell the world how angry you are. However, during a child custody case, anything you say publicly (or even privately in some cases) can be used against you. Posting on social media, ranting to mutual friends, and otherwise speaking ill of your ex-partner can make you look bad in front of a judge.

We all need to talk sometimes. Instead of complaining about your ex to friends or posting publicly, consider finding a therapist. With few exceptions, your conversations with a therapist are confidential.

Whatever you do, always avoid speaking poorly about your ex in front of your children. This can cause major issues with your custody case, as well as being emotionally damaging to your children. Judges consider countless factors when making a custody determination, but the well-being of the children always comes first.

Work Together When Possible

The best case scenario is always that you and your ex-partner work together to figure out custody arrangements. You might not want to work with your ex. However, if you can find a compromise, the children will typically be better off. You’ll need to co-parent with your ex for the rest of your lives, so you might as well get started off on the right foot. In most cases, you can keep things from getting too heated if you both focus on what is best for your kids.

With child custody, you need to figure out two parts. First, where will the children stay? This is called physical custody. Sometimes one parent has sole custody. Other times, you may share custody. Typically, the best option is the one that will disrupt your children’s lives the least.

However, the second part is equally important. You’ll need to decide how to share the legal custody, which includes making decisions about a child’s medical care, religion, and education. Often, couples will share this custody even if the children live solely with one parent.

Working together isn’t always easy, but it can prevent a lengthy legal battle. Except in cases of abuse or other extenuating circumstances, we typically recommend working with your ex. Is this the best option for your case? We’re happy to set up a consultation to give you advice for your specific situation.

Address Issues that Could Compromise Custody

If a judge will be making a decision about child custody, your entire life will be under scrutiny. You can get ahead of potential issues by addressing them right now. This includes:

  • Dealing with drug and alcohol problems
  • Resolving any other legal issues
  • Finding housing in your child’s school district if possible
  • Surrounding yourself with people who are positive role models for your children (especially if they live in the same home as you)
  • Ensuring you can provide for the child through stable income
  • Having reliable transportation
  • Mending your relationship with your children if it is currently rocky
  • Taking steps to be physically and mentally healthy

Divorces can be stressful, and it is impossible to be perfect. However, always try to remember that your actions can have consequences on your child custody case. We’ll work hard to make sure a judge sees the progress you are making if there are issues that could affect custody.

FAQs About Hiring Custody Lawyers Greensboro NC Parents can Trust

This page from the North Carolina Judicial Branch has some great information about child custody. Here are a few other FAQs about hiring custody lawyers Greensboro NC. After all, family law can be confusing; find a legal team that can help you!

Can you help with emergency custody?

Emergency custody happens when a child is in immediate danger. This is typically due to abuse. A judge can also grant emergency custody if a parent attempts to leave North Carolina to avoid court orders. This situation definitely demands help from an experienced attorney. If you need to file for emergency custody or your ex-partner has filed, give us a call as soon as possible for a consultation.

Will you help me get child support?

Yes, we can assist with child support as well if you qualify. In some cases, you may also qualify for spousal support (alimony). We’ll help you get your financial freedom back.

With so many options, how can I find the best marriage lawyer near me?

The best divorce attorney will be one that has experience specializing in family law, like we do here at Morgenstern & Associate. We are ranked as a Tier 1 law firm in a metropolitan area. Additionally, Barbara is listed in Best Lawyers in America in family law and family law mediation and in NC Super Lawyers and Legal Elite in family law. Both Barbara Morgenstern and Ashley Bennington are board-certified family law specialists by the State Bar. We believe in a realistic approach to help you achieve your goals with the best resolution possible. Click here to contact us to set up a consultation.

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